Preterism Primer Three

Preterism Primer Three

By Michael Alan Nichols. Subtitled: “Fulfilled Prophecy; Jewish-Roman War; Kingdom Life.” This book is the third in a series that examines fulfilled prophecy. Preterism Primer ONE is the appetizer; Primer TWO is the salad; and THREE is the main course. Section ONE of this book analyzes what Jesus Christ completed during one generation in the first century AD. This includes His first coming on earth; His work in heaven during the transition period; and His second coming operations in the various realms during 66-70 AD; Section TWO offers an insightful and historically accurate account of the Jewish-Roman War ending in 70 AD; Section THREE introduces the fully established new spiritual kingdom and how we should now be living with the tools and liberty that God has given us. Manuscript size. Spiral bound. 130 pp pb
